Doing Good

Our sickle cell clinic runs every Tuesday of the week. Here we see patients in details. Patients are escorted by their attendants and during our interface we do hydroxyurea monitoring among others. Most of our patients are greatly improving on their day to day life.


End of the year 2023 sickle cell clinic party

.Our end of the year party was on 19th Dec 2023. Patients and attendants were served with a lovely / beautiful care. It was a day no one would have wished to miss. We also marked a full year using hydroxyurea at the sickle cell clinic of kalangala health center IV. Never forget that if we all meet each other whenever we meet, magic happens and stigma is resolved.



During my time of service I usually try to give myself a time to be serviced on the fact that all services given me have a healthy reason. In this context here we are in service above self. If you can look around you and choose to serve let it be above self and that’s the motto for ROTARY INTERNATIONAL where I am a member. Service above self for end of the year 2023.